DEXA COIN – to make the process of sending and receiving money faster and safer

About Dexa Coin!

Dexa Coin is a progressive APPLICATION which means improving our sending and getting cash throughout the world providing individuals to provide through the integrated SMS spotlight. The main purpose of Dexa Coin is to make a path to delivery and get cash faster to get safe and with a simple openness for anyone who can use a mobile device. This was agreed with the breakdown of blockchain technology that would help encourage cash exchanging more than before wiping out travel between, we would improve the way to send and receive cash. We offer a simple to find title that will make it easier for anyone by understanding the basics about cellphones to ask for money at low cost and without participation. Many people accuse the extra costs of sending money to someone abroad. DexaCoin creates work that will allow its clients to send cash by adding this small fee. Many banks require a recognized official approval or your physical closeness to connect. Dexa Coin will have a special application for payment procedures that are easy and secure payments using blockchain technology.

What makes DEXA COIN APP more unique!

The Dexa coin application, by improving its pattern settings, effectively links two social events in the Eco-System to make the whole problem free cash experience. Here are some of the amazing features that give strength to DEXA COIN:

* Receive and Receive cash from all over the world

* Urgent Instant Payments

* Easily connect applications with your financial balance

* Security

* Privacy

* Instant features

In the field of wealth today, it is difficult to imagine what the world would look like without techniques for moving assets. Finally, based on this title, around 90% of all goods sold on this planet are sold annually throughout the world all in the form of money, the same amount of these colleagues cannot be bought with hand money. Also, I must educate you to agree with this, when discussing extraordinary experiences. Give me to present another business that I must recognize, “DEXA COIN”, this business has chosen to prepare the installment system needed by the servants of the planet. You will have the option to reach the stage. However, before we discuss what DEXA-COIN is doing,

Competitors in this room use traditional processes, and customer feedback is often done well. Companies that offer this service receive feedback scores from any financial organization! Well-documented problems include slow transaction speeds, expensive bank fees, wrong number of IBANs, poor conversion rates, and failure to convert currencies before sending them, mixing up fees and assuming connected fees. With the current system, money transfers become expensive, uncomfortable, and also convenient. But we will ask. We created a system that allows users to transfer money easily and cost-effectively anywhere in the world at a very low cost.

difficulty transferring money

* Cheating

The administration of moving money on a portable basis moved with great achievements later in the day. Cheating on such work can be useful and will attract consideration. Inventive fraudsters and keep looking for better ones to stay away from inventions. The Information and Security Management Framework can be the answer to this problem. In any case, work improvements are now progressively adapted to the field of reconnaissance systems and must be improved in several areas including security, repair, and protection which is staggered. This is the goal of Dexa_coin’s supportive endeavors here.

* Transition fees

The issue of large transfer costs in the movement of money actually rises to a larger problem that needs to be considered, you can consider the level of money from one country to another. these issues make many people go abroad and even domestically. The best progress for this problem is Dexa_coin.

* Time costs

Another important issue in conversation is the low speed of transportation, this really causes important problems in the money industry because of the extreme reasons for business change. Considering the problems noted above, the DEXA COIN group has a coin with a solid answer to ask for this.

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Author : cinta monyet My BitCointalk profile :;u=1957091

Lider – creates opportunities to start a business with Blockchain Technology


Direct sales are one of the retail chains which most of the branded and small companies sell their goods and services to the consumers directly on this platform. It is quite different from usual retailers. It not just acts as a means to deliver quality products and services but encourages strong minded people to start their own business at minimum cost.

Lider is a global non-governmental organization (NGO) representing the interests of the direct sales industry across the world utilize blockchain technology and artificial intelligence.


  • Lider aim to create an environment that will make people adopt the use of digital currency mong employees and customers direct sales companies.
  • Lider want to promote the benefits of direct sales which are not fully recommended in the traditional system of direct sales.
  • Lider want to create freedom to all the parties that are involved in direct sales activities.
  • Lider want to create trust and transparency in direct sales environs.
  • Their aim is also to enhance personal connections


There are advantages of direct sales:

  • It provide quality goods and services to the consumer.
  • It also creates opportunity to build a business with low start-up and overhead costs.
  • Independently, individuals can work as a direct sales consultants and also run their normal business
  • It also faces issues like non-payment of income or timely payments
  • It can be risky by depending on every direct seller as some might end up doing fraudulent activities
  • There will be a huge requirement to carry on for starting a business.

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Lider team project initiated the task of promoting direct sales so as to;
• Create a trustworthy environment for both consumers and direct sellers through dynamic and reliable distribution channel
• Provide opportunities for people from all ages and from all walks of life no matter what their gender, race, disability or education level are; the Lider act as a supporting factor for strong minded people to create their very own business with little risk

It promotes various advantages of direct sales on the basis of core values such as freedom, trust, and personal connection and also conducts loyalty programs for both customers and employees of direct sales companies. Any direct sales can join this project just by submitting the application. The Lider Tokens will be given for free of cost unless it fulfils the company’s conditions.

  • Payments should be done through Unified Digital Platform Lider
    • Use voting through Unified Digital Platform Lider
    • Payments on advertising campaigns to be done on Lider Bux
    • Payment services to be done from Freelancing Exchange Lider
    • Payment for goods and services of companies-partners

Lider Bux:

This is a new generation promotion service that allows advertisers to promote another type of web advertising and allows users to be an advertiser or view ads and earn money by performing a simple task. Users have the opportunity to make money without any investment. Once users complete the registration, they will be assigned a simple task, and payment will be made after the task is completed.

lider 3.png


This is another component of Lider platform, it is medium where authors publish their job list which will be available to the general public. Then someone can perform the task will bid for the price and if agreed, the task performer will went ahead to do the task and he will be compensated at the end of his duty.



There are loyalty programs for users of the platform; the distributor, employees of direct sales companies and the consumers.

The Lider platform offers Lider tokens inform of loyalty reward to the users of the platform. You can earn Lider token in following ways:

  • By partnering with the platform
  • By engaging in the project’s airdrop
  • Remuneration
  • Earning bonuses by making payment through the Lider Forum
  • Earnings on Lider BUX
  • Involving in the project competitions
  • Be a Freelancer through the platform
  • Earn through the platform affiliate programs of Lider BUX and Lider Forum


• Create a task — start creating advertising in accordance with the need to set up a display strategy and set an advertising budget.

• Deposit funds — add funds and get a bonus from the deposit amount.

• Activate task — as soon as the task is activated, statistics can be viewed in real time.

Bux Cost:

• Banners: Advertising banners will cost 60 Lider per thousand impressions.

• View Site: Users view an ad site up to a certain period of time specified by advertisers. It costs 58 leader per thousand visits.

• Tasks: Tasks are placed on a special page in the specified category, for which the system will provide a list of minimum costs. Requires 20 Leader per 100 executions


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Lider token is the native token of this platform and it is going to be the first kind of cryptocurrency working for direct sales companies in the global market.

The Lider token can be used for payment on Unified Digital Platform Lider, it can also be used for payment services in the Freelancing exchange and lastly, the token can as well be used as payment for goods and services by all firms.

LIDER token was built on waves blockchain because it is one of the best blockchains that supports easy and faster transaction within a limited time.

The Lider token as a total supply of 700 million LIDER token and its price has been tagged to be $0.014 per token.

The Lider token is already available on Wave Dex Exchange. So if you want to enjoy the services of this platform, try hold the LIDER token.


lider 5.png




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Bitcointalk username : cinta monyet

Bitcointalk link :;u=1957091

FACITE – mesin pertambangan khusus

Tentang proyek
FACITE dengan model bisnis blockchain, blockchain di Kazakhstan akan berkontribusi pada pengembangan bisnis energi terbarukan pemerintah Kazakhstan, karena sejak Khan 21 telah memasuki sektor energi surya, dengan pembelian lisensi komersial dan akan dipilih sebagai perusahaan investasi, Kota Talgar bersamanya, stasiun tenaga surya dan proyek area dari pembangkit listrik tenaga air, dengan gerbang pertama lintasan Korea ke Kazakhstan untuk laporan akhir dari Kementerian Perdagangan, Industri, dan Energi, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa FACITE berada dalam posisi di mana Para pemimpin sepenuhnya menerima peluang pasar dan solusi baru ini, dengan transportasi lisensi kartu pembayaran dari INNOB CO., LTD, implementasi dan pengoperasian transportasi umum, berencana untuk memperkenalkan sistem penagihan U, lingkungan pusat data yang ideal,
Dalam industri pertambangan, yang akan berlangsung di lokasi baru ini, sejumlah jenis peralatan akan digunakan, yang paling penting adalah mesin pertambangan khusus dengan tipe S9 14TH / S, D3 17GH / S dan S15-27 TH / S. Mesin penambangan ini memiliki keunggulan karena mudah dirakit. Pemasangan instrumen mesin ini dapat dengan mudah dimasukkan sebagai alat penambangan utama dalam tool kit dibandingkan dengan jenis mesin penambangan lainnya. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk merakit instrumen ini bahkan 3 kali lebih cepat dan operasi uji coba juga dapat dilakukan lebih cepat. Selain itu, mesin ini juga memiliki daya tahan tinggi dalam berbagai kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrem, seperti di musim dingin dan hujan. Dampak setiap musim memiliki dampak yang lebih kecil pada mesin penambangan ini.Dengan membangun infrastruktur dalam bentuk dinding eksternal dari wadah, ini akan mencegah berbagai pengaruh lingkungan merusak mesin baik di dalam maupun di luar. Iklim udara juga merupakan faktor penting bagi kelangsungan mesin ini nantinya. Mesin ini dapat bekerja dengan baik di iklim udara normal. Udara yang datang dari luar instrumen akan diedarkan melalui wadah untuk mengontrol penurunan suhu. Keuntungan selanjutnya adalah mesin portabel ini. Wadah mesin dapat dipindahkan dengan mudah untuk mendukung posisi instrumen yang lebih efisien. Mesin ini dapat bekerja dengan baik di iklim udara normal. Udara yang datang dari luar instrumen akan diedarkan melalui wadah untuk mengontrol penurunan suhu.Keuntungan selanjutnya adalah mesin portabel ini. Wadah mesin dapat dipindahkan dengan mudah untuk mendukung posisi instrumen yang lebih efisien. Mesin ini dapat bekerja dengan baik di iklim udara normal. Udara yang datang dari luar instrumen akan diedarkan melalui wadah untuk mengontrol penurunan suhu. Keuntungan selanjutnya adalah mesin portabel ini. Wadah mesin dapat dipindahkan dengan mudah untuk mendukung posisi instrumen yang lebih efisien.
  • 40% akan mulai dijual
  • 20% dari kegiatan operasi perusahaan
  • 10% anggota tim
  • 10% pemasaran
  • 10% untuk pengembang
  • 5% dari penasihat
  • Cadangan 5%

Tujuan utama Facite adalah untuk mempromosikan dan mengembangkan lingkungan ekonomi dan keuangan di Kazakhstan menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya adalah tujuan utama dari proyek investasi yang berkelanjutan dan menarik, yang dievaluasi sedemikian rupa untuk meningkatkan kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi secara umum, karena manfaatnya akan berlipat ganda. – Perspektif ekonomi, mencari inovasi teknologi dan mencari cara yang benar-benar berkelanjutan untuk melakukan hal ini, selain menyebarkan area yang sama sekali belum dijelajahi dalam hal semua energi surya dalam skenario ini, mungkin lebih baik terpisah dari teknologi penjualan facite untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi situs web dan baca buku putih untuk informasi teknis lebih rinci


FACITE dengan model bisnis rantai blok, blockchain di Kazakhstan akan mempromosikan bisnis pemerintah Kazakhstan pada sumber energi terbarukan, sejak dari sejak memperoleh lisensi komersial, Khan HOLDING 21 memperoleh lisensi komersial dan terpilih sebagai perusahaan Investasi, kota Talgar dengan wilayahnya yang luas, matahari pembangkit listrik dan area proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga air Kesimpulan bahwa FACITE berada dalam keadaan di mana para pemimpin sepenuhnya menerima pasar baru peluang dan keputusan mereka, dengan lisensi kartu pembayaran transportasi yang dibeli dari INNOB CO., Ltd., Pengantar dan pengoperasian transportasi umum, direncanakan untuk memperkenalkan sistem pembayaran U,

Karena Kazakhstan adalah negara terbesar ke-9 di dunia, sektor transportasi adalah aspek yang paling penting. Infrastruktur transportasi yang kurang berkembang secara langsung memengaruhi pengembangan bisnis. Model bisnis dari proyek FACITE adalah untuk memperluas penggunaan sistem pembayaran otomatis universal. Sistem pembayaran seperti itu dapat mencakup tidak hanya bus dan transportasi, tetapi juga ritel, apotek, pemesanan tiket, sistem manajemen kas elektronik, dan ATM. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang rencana kartu bus di halaman Whitepaper. Tautan yang diperlukan akan ada dalam deskripsi.

Arah penting lain dari pengembangan perusahaan FACITE adalah energi matahari. Kazakhstan sangat memperhatikan perlindungan lingkungan, penciptaan infrastruktur hijau dan sumber energi terbarukan. Kazakhstan memiliki kondisi geografis yang menguntungkan untuk produksi energi surya. Dalam kondisi seperti itu, para ahli memprediksi pengembangan energi surya di Kazakhstan dengan rata-rata 17-32% per tahun. Selain itu, negara ini memiliki cadangan silikon dan ada tanaman untuk produksi sel surya.

Token akan didistribusikan sebagai berikut:









Untuk informasi tambahan:

Situs web:

Dokumen PaperWhite:






Author :  cinta monyet

My BitCointalk profile :;u=1957091

Koios (KOI) ICO Review – This technology is very advanced, and the high cost of developing, testing and producing any model is a big challenge

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project, KOI, and for more details, let’s go to the following discussion:


It is a utility token based on the Ethereum network under the ERC20 standard, created to facilitate P2P, P2C, C2C transactions and in the applications of our ecosystem. We build the true massification of the blockchain and our developments are aimed at taking advantage of its potential without the need for technology to do so.

Our currency consists of a token based on the Ethereum network, which is defined as a decentralized platform and on which smart contracts are executed, which are based on the ERC20 standard that guarantees interoperability between tokens.

Our KOI Currency is designed to be easily interchangeable and to work in an integrated way with Dapps that use the ERC20 standard.

Additionally, we will develop a complete ecosystem where we will use our currency. The transparency of transactions is guaranteed since it can be traced in the blockchain, which is the public ledger of all transactions that occur.

Why create a new one?

With the creation of our currency, we can offer an organic growth of our projects, where we will include different communities of users, especially those who do not have access to technology and have not been able to enjoy all the benefits offered by the blockchain.


The different projects that would support our currency are aimed at interacting with different communities, guaranteeing the use of KOI. This interaction between them, which today have an intrinsic trust among its members, will give us the security required to give value to our token.

The KoiTech Studio Projects were conceived by our Research, Computer and Technological Development team evaluating the different proposals of the current market and their weaknesses, to devise a congruent portfolio that will ensure the success of our KOI tkon, generating an Independent and Self-sustaining Ecosystem.

The Titan Protocol

This protocol plays an important role in the Koios ecosystem and is beneficial for developing a connection between all discrete components within the platform. The company has a few ideas for developing the Titan protocol in the future. They are part of the early stages of the roadmap, which will be released after the launch of the KOI platform. In the first release, the protocol will allow any user to earn rewards by renting their CPU power to the platform. But users will require a Koios desktop and mobile app to take part in this AI development process.

The users can earn tokens by:

  • Performing ML model training and data tagging tasks.
  • Submitting data to the AI Lab.
  • Performing AI validation tasks.

The AI Lab

This is an AI development platform used to offer access to a library of complementary tools, data sets, and algorithm for the development and maintenance of the Koios team. After the validation process, the contribution of developers and the user community will also be updated on the AI Lab. In short, the AI Lab will work like building blocks that help to speed up the AI development process as well as allowing developers to deploy their formations in a fully hosted environment which can be exposed through API for private and public consumption.

Neural Net

This component of the platform contains a library of AL and ML content. The submitted content of the developers will be technically reviewed by the KOI team to ensure that it meets all industry standards and functions before being advertised in the marketplace.

Developers are allowed to submit the following content:

  • AI constructs.
  • Pre-trained machine learning models.
  • Machine learning algorithms.
  • Structured and unstructured data.

How does Koios accelerate AI?

  1. Develop: Provide a sophisticated and managed development platform for AI developers across the world.
  2. Empower: Enable every user to take part in the development of AI on a daily basis.
  3. Accelerate: Develop a huge momentum with a global network of artificial intelligence to connect all the developers on one single platform.
  4. Commoditize: Eliminate the challenges comes while adopting AI and put them into the hands of daily consumers.

Why is Koios being built?

Before understanding the development of the Koios AI ecosystem on blockchain technology, you need to know the nature of AI development industry in the current market.

  1. The need for AI talent is increasing exponentially in the market but there are still only very small groups of skilled developers, mathematicians and scientists available in the market.
  2. These experts are highly sought after in the AI technology industry, but due to the inefficiency of mainstream adoption and distribution channel, they are mainly monopolized by big companies.
  3. The company wants to provide a new medium through which AI developers can learn, validate, create, distribute, and monetize their creations to wider audiences across the world without the help of an intermediary.
  4. The development process of AI technology requires a special set of tools, large data sets, and a specific amount of computing power, which is most difficult for developers to access outside the confines of large organizations, tech firms, and research bodies.

Token Details

Distribution of ICO

The objectives of the projects are achieved thanks to the good distribution of the funds received through the preliminary sale of the currency, ensuring the basis of a self-sustaining ecosystem in the initial stage of our activities.

Distribution of KOI

Our greatest strength is the transparency of the activities and the report on the distribution and designation of capital.


Here is a summary of the activities that have already been carried out, and those that are about to be carried out. If you want to be informed about the progress of our projects, we recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us through our social networks.

Kuverit – An innovative platform to protect your family and yourself

We meet again on this occasion, and next time I will review a little about Kuverit.

Kuverit – An innovative platform to support peer-to-peer success with the world’s first blockchain

You need to know about product coverage & disability is a global problem that is now often the case, and applications Because the Kuverit platform refuses to be lined with rings leading to the crypto room, while 7 billion people wait.


Global fraud is reaching epidemic levels with an annual economic price tag of more than £3.2 trillion. The UK economy alone loses more £110bn to Fraudsters each year. Fraud professionals are urging organizations to focus more of their resources on fraud prevention, estimating that doing so could add an astounding £44 billion annually to the UK economy.

Kuverit’s innovative mainstream solution will combine peer to peer guarantee trading, designed to eradicate peer to peer fraud, with the world’s first “fully independent” appified blockchain insurance company, designed to protect everything for everyone, everywhere.

Research shows that 37% of insurance customers would prefer using smart technology rather than speaking to an agent. Personal experience, automation and appification is what will gain consumer confidence moving forward. Daily life is demanding enough, we live in the age of the smartphone where consumers demand speed and efficiency.

Kuverit’s Smart Insurance application will harness blockchain to power instant its payments and decentralized claims processing system. Kuverit will increase choice, meet consumer expectations and most importantly build a friction-less, modern insurance application.


The Kuverit application will allow you to check the reputation of a stranger before dealing with them and protect you from any financial loss if the transaction goes badly.


Scammers are getting smarter, Protection should too.

P2P Fraud Protection

Protect Yourself

Protect Your Friends

Protect Your Family

Protect the Vulnerable

The Kuverit application will allow you to check the reputation of a stranger before dealing with them, it will also protect you from any financial loss if the transaction goes badly.


KUV ERC20 Token

Starts – Dec 24th, 2018 (00:01AM GMT)

Number of Tokens for Sale – 2,525,252,525

Ends – Dec 24th, 2019 (00:01AM GMT)

Tokens Exchange Rate – 1 ETH = TBD KUV, 1 BTC = TBD KUV

Acceptable Currencies – ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, XRP +++

Minimum Transaction Amount – $100

Christmas Sale – 0-25th Dec- 2018 – 70% OFF

New Year Sale – Dec 25th – Jan 1st -19 50% OFF

ICO Phase 1 – 4 Months – 25% Bonus

ICO Phase 2 – 3 Months – 20% Bonus

ICO Phase 3 – 2 Months – 15% Bonus

ICO Phase 4 – 1 Month – 10% Bonus

ICO Phase 5 – 1 Month – 5% Bonus

ICO Phase 6 – 1 Month – 0% Bonus

ICO Per Token Price – $0.99




January 2019: Launch Contributor Community Forum

March 2019: Commence P2P Application Development

March 2019: Begin Communication with Exchanges:

May 2019: Formation of Official Contributor Committee

July 2019: Launch Beta P2P Guarantee Trading Application

July 2019: Establish Maltese Insurance Company

August 2019: Commence P2P App Online Marketing

September 2019: Commence P2P App Media Campaign

October 2019: Purchase Existing Global Insurance Company

July 2020: Establish London Operation Headquarters

December 2020: Submit Application to become a Lloyd’s Syndicate


Daniel Drury: Founder – CEO- Kuverit Ireland Ltd

Daniel McManus: Co- Founder Finance Director

James Packham: CEO – Kuverit UK – Malta

Guido S Krummacher: Advisor – Contributor Committee NED

Paul Wordley: Kuverit Solicitor

David Baumholzer: Advisor – Contractor

Tony Banks: Advisor

Amar Shah: Advisor

Ben Terry Splash: Advisor-Marketing

Paul Baker PBA Group: Advisor – Accounting

Pavel Martynov: Lead Developer

Nat & Chanida: Advisors – Sales








Author : cinta monyet

Moco- Revolutionary communication platform that will change the way you communicate on the Internet


VR Motion Communications (MoCo) is a revolutionary communication platform that will change the way you communicate online. In the first stage, we will present the world’s first anonymous 3D Avatar Chat and Creator’s Market.

The MoCo Platform’s online Marketplace will include both an Official Store where users can purchase official avatar-related content, and a Free Marketplace where users can monetize their own original avatar-related content.

In the next stage, the MoCo Platform and technology will enable large scale, simultaneous broadcasting of Live, 4K/8K, 360° Real Time VR streaming events around the world, such as World Cup Soccer games, the Super Bowl, and sold-out concerts by top level musicians on the other side of the world. It will also create a whole new VTuber universe – but in 3D – where users can also monetize their creativity and talents.

In the final step of our platform development, we will combine our A.I. Video Compression, AI Automatic 2D-3D conversion, and A.I. motion capture technologies, to make it possible for users to enter the VR space using only their web cameras or mobile devices. Users will also be able to create their own customized Avatars or Character bots and move around in, create and experience user-made virtual RooMs, and communicate with their family or hang out with their friends.

Users will be able to create and monetize their own original copyrighted content, supported by the MoCo cryptocurrency token. Based on blockchain technology, the MoCo Platform and the MoCo Token will allow the development and buying and selling of original content in a fast, safe, and secure ecosystem. Individuals and businesses will be able to meet and communicate with others all over the world safely, and they will also be able to create their own personal monetized economies utilizing their own talents and ideas, and engage in secure commerce with each other as well.


MoCo’s disruptive key technologies will open up a world of new communication possibilites.

With our revolutionary technology, we will bring people around the world closer to each other by allowing them to communicate naturally and seamlessly – and anonymously, if they choose- online via their original Avatars, and within the VR space as 4K scanned versions of themselves, just like there are really “there.”

In this platform of the future, users will even be able to use all of MoCo’s amazing A.I.-based technological tools to create their own customized social or private virtual universes, and monetize them, too!

A.I. Video Compression

This technology can reduce 4K/8K content data to 1/100th ~ 1/1000th its original size, while providing lossless video quality (this includes 2D and 3D video content)

This technology enables large-scale distribution and delivery of 3D and 4K/8K Live and recorded content (such as 3D avatars, streaming video, and even 360° VR content), to TV’s and computers and mobile devices over the Internet

Patent Status: Issued (see White Paper for more details)

A.I Motion Capture (A.I.-based 2D→ 3D Automatic Conversion System)

Through Image Analysis and Machine-learning technology, and the collection of visual and sensory data, we will be able to offer a Visual Information x A.I. Network that until now, has never been attempted by anyone. This technology captures live motion and minute gestures in real time through web cameras and mobile devices, and then learns it and translates it into a HD 3D representation (both for 3D Avatar Chat system and later stage 4k+ live, scanned VR version) of the original subject which can then be moved and controlled using only a smartphone or web camera.

Patent Status: Filed and Pending (see White Paper for more details)


The MoCo Platform is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional project whose every step of development changes the world a little more. It does so by destroying old paradigms and creating new possibilities.

The first step is to provide the world’s first -anonymous- 3D Avatar Chat and Creator’s Market where users can communicate, create, buy and sell safely and securely

In the next step, MoCo will begin live-streaming chat and other services which will completely disrupt the current video streaming and video tuber models.

The final step will be to make immersive 4K/3D VR communication possible for anyone that owns a smartphone or web camera, from anywhere in the world

With the MoCo token, users will be able to purchase and sell original goods and subscribe to any streaming content quickly and efficiently and without any loss in quality. All Avatar and Video content will be managed by the blockchain to protect and manage copyrights.

INITIAL ENGINEERING 1; June 20, 2018 30 days + 60% Bonus MAIN SALES 2: July 20, 2018, 90 days + 40% PRE-SALE 3 Bonus: October 1, 2018 30 days + 30% PRE-SALE 4 Bonus: December 1, 2018 120 days + 20% bonus HOME SALE TOKEN: April 1, 2019 182 Days + 0% Bonus


NAOTO YOKOUCHI: CEO & Business Planning




MARK MORRIS: Creative Development Ambassador

CORINA LAZARESCU: Overseas PR and Partner Development Manager

CYNTHIA KOSHIN: Operations Support Manager/ Chinese Market PR

ROMA SENISHIN: Blockchain Technology Visionary & Project Manager; Dappband

MISHA EFIMETS: Blockchain Architect & Decentralized Web Developer; Dappband

MICHAEL LOBONOV: Expert in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Developer; Dappband

JUN MIYAZAKI: AI (Deep Learning), RPA, IoT System Consultant

YUTAKA SAIKI: Blockchain Team Advisor and Coordinator






Author : cinta monyet My BitCointalk profile :;u=1957091

CBNT – A completely new mining model

Today I will discuss the CBNT project which is an approval system that uses Blockchain technology that brings innovation to industrial content.


CBNT is:

Professional content sharing system based on block chain technology and part of the DPGC (Decentralized Professional Generated Content) model where content related to professional financial investments will be shared. CBNT aims to create win and win situations for article writers, readers, and token holders. Both content producers and readers will receive mining prizes based on their efforts. When a platform grows traffic starts to increase, they will place ads, the revenue generated from advertisements will also be distributed among all participants according to their jobs.

How does CBNT work?

CBNT is responsible for providing creators with high-quality content with more tokens so that more people start creating more unique and valuable content, which can ultimately increase traffic. Network access.

The advertising system on the platform is claimed to be transparent for all users to protect those who have tokens and advertisers will be allowed to buy advertisements with ETH, BTC and other electronic currencies.

As a revolutionary platform, there are a number of benefits that you can expect from CBNT.

Here are some benefits that make it different from the traditional ecosystem of internet content.

· Content is not degraded

· Creators spend their time creating content and delivering values ​​to platforms while changing their work to the advantage of this platform’s profit model.

· Communicators and content viewers cannot share the financial value generated.

In fact, there are several other problems that should be resolved with the emergence of this CBNT project.


CBNT will be built as an economic token system that fully complies with the rules of a free market economy; every individual who has contributed to others can benefit from it financially, thus solving the following problems faced by traditional internet content ecosystems:

Reducing the quality of content caused by economic attention.

Creators spend time creating content and providing value to temporary platforms, ultimately changing their work for the benefit of platform profit models.

Content viewers and communicators cannot share the financial value generated by content.

As a revolutionary platform, there are several benefits that you can look forward to from CBNT:

Content does not diminish in quality

Creators spend their time creating content and offering value to platforms while at the same time changing their work to the advantage of this platform’s profit model.

Communicators and content viewers cannot share the financial value generated.

Project Background

According to the latest report, around 3 billion people around the world use social media. Facebook, the most popular social platform, has more than 2.2 billion active users per month as of March 31, 2018. Facebook is the most widely distributed and most popular social network in the world today. With a huge amount of traffic, how much profit can be generated for Facebook?

According to Facebook’s financial statements for the first quarter of 2018, Facebook’s total revenue in the first quarter was US $ 11,966 billion, and most of it came from advertising, accounting for 98.6%. The Facebook profit model is one word: advertising. Advertising is almost Facebook’s sole profit channel, so Facebook is actually an advertising company. However, how much benefit can an important component of the model have – “content creators” and “content viewers” can get from it?

Content Creator – Post large amounts of content on their personal homepage and spread on social networks, but Facebook gets the most from the creator of this content. Excellent content producers have not received financial benefits apart from followers and fame, and their ways to profit from limited content creation.

Content Viewers – By sharing content creators, a large number of high-quality content is spread on social networks and available to more people, while their workforce and contributions do not give them appropriate rights and benefits.

However, Facebook posts advertisements on content creators’ pages and content viewers and generates around 40 billion USD each year from advertisements. None of the ad revenue will be distributed to users and creators or viewers. They inject continuous value into this organization. However, this value is only owned by Facebook shareholders.

Mining Mechanism

CBNT tokens will be released from the mining pool at a fixed time every day as an incentive. Incentives will be divided into 3 parts: 45% for authors (content creators), 45% for content viewers and communicators (likes, comments, sharing), and 10% for CBNT token holders whose tokens are locked. Content rights ratings will be given to readers, and each reader has different voice weights. The value of high-quality content on CBNT comes primarily from the viewer’s mining behavior.


In short, CBNT is a platform for sharing content based on blockchain, providing solutions for traditional content sharing platforms that are on the internet today. This serves to provide fair benefits to all parties including content creators, readers, and others. Overall, this might be a good ICO to predict.


The team at CBNT believes that this business model is not sustainable, and CBNT aims to change the conventional business model of the content platform and let each participant benefit from CBNT.

Adopting the “participating is mining” model, CBNT will issue tokens, which represent rights on the platform. CBNT will focus on blockchain information and finance and investment sectors that are closely related to the economic token system. Content generators, viewers, and communicators can mine CBNT tokens by posting content, sharing, commenting on and liking etc. on the CBNT platform.

For more information, please visit the link that I gave below:



Gift Campaign:







Author :  cinta monyet

My BitCointalk profile :;u=1957091

AzartPay-Online Gambling Industry

AzartPay— Platform is a merchant-service with an open API for connecting payments in Azart cryptocurrency. One of the goals of Azart cryptocurrency is to provide instant, anonymous and secure payments for users of online casinos, lotteries, poker rooms and other services in the gambling industry.


There is no need to be important as the AzartPay platform maker is careful because it uses it for both sides of the betting procedure. To begin with, for speculators, Azart’s cryptocurrency will turn into a method of installments that is not understood, safe, and the moment for cooperation in internet betting. In addition, for administrations that will receive Azart cryptocurrency, the maker has decided on the “House Edge” Commission. This is a real advantage for players, because this type of installment takes normally from 0.5% to 5% of bets for betting administration. No commission is a genuine development in the betting business. This is a reasonable choice point of view of the AzartPay platform, which will allow attracting large speculators.

What is the enthusiasm of the web-based betting administration to drop the “House Edge” commission? All things considered, it is a significant spring of their salary. AzartPay platform engineers have been pondering at this time. Therefore, the inspiration for the administration of transfers is that, using the AzartPay platform, they will almost certainly win more than the players. With what method will it be executed? With the help of “Motivation Arrangements from Partners and Users” (incidentally, it will also be valuable for players), which will include the absence of a “House Edge” commission for game administration owners.


The way Azart cryptocurrency is a coin with mining opportunities, and certainly not a token, is an important part of the right placement. The project maker took advantage of the opportunity to introduce masternode, which would make it possible to win cash on utilizing platforms for custom clients and foot administration. Meanwhile, for the benefit of the accomplice the inspirational framework will work so that the coins collected from the masternode introduced for this framework will be circulated among the accomplices relying on their movements towards the completion of each period. In this way, the more bets recognized by the accomplice in Azart cryptocurrency, the more benefits they will get. Moreover,

These are not all the highlights of Azart cryptocurrency. You can know it on the original site of the project. It must be noted that these coins are now used in two trades (Stocks Exchange, CREX24), where the coins are effectively exchanged. Project makers will not stop here – they want to add coins to other platforms which must be understood and exchanged in the CryptoBridge trade to be opened in just a few days. The betting administration association for the AzartPay platform will begin in the fourth quarter of 2018. The project group wants to send its own game platform without the “House Edge” commission in mid-2019. Join the Azart group today and you will end up being a member of the internet betting industry!

Q2 2018
Q3 2018
Q4 2018
Q1 2019

○ Ticker : AZART

○ Max Coin Supply: 25,000,000 AZART

○ Algorithm: X11 / PoW+Masternode

○ Block Time : 150 Sec

○ Block Reward: Smoothly decrease rewards from 21 to 2 coins per block, for 9 years.

○ Masternodes: 63%

○ Miners: 27%

○ Governance and funding: 10%

○ P2P Port: 9799

○ Difficulty Algorithm: Dark Gravity Wave 3.0

○ Block Size: 2 MB Block Time: 120 sec.

○ Masternode Confirmation: 15 blocks

○ Masternode Collateral: 10,000 AZART

○ Governance Fee: 5 AZART

○ Governance Minimum Quorum: 10 votes


Azart uses masternodes to power PrivateSend, InstantSend, and the Governance and Funding.


InstantSend allows for near-instant transactions.


PrivateSend gives financial privacy by obscuring the source of funds on the blockchain.


○ Research and development

○ Release of Whitepaper 1.0

○ Azart blockchain launch

○ Connecting masternodes

○ Wallets for Windows, Linux and Mac

○ Start of trading on the CREX24 exchange AzartPay site launching

○ Updating the design of the site

○ Launch of the merchant service and API AzartPay

○ Release of Whitepaper 2.0

○ Start of trading on the

○ Start of trading on the Crypto-Bridge exchange

○ Start of AzartPay marketing campaign

○ Launch of the decentralized project funding system

○ Wallets for Android and iOS

○ Release of the “System of Motivation of Partners and Users”

○ Connecting gambling services to the platform

○ Listing on the Cryptopia exchange

○ Preparing to launch its own gambling platform (Dice, Betting, Lotteries, Slots)

○ Release of the development plan for 2019

○ Swap blockchain to x17 (

○ Release of the development plan for 2019

○ Release of the «System of Motivation of Partners and Users

○ Listing on on other exchanges

Author :  cinta monyet

Alive Casino -First encrypted in the world that integrates virtual reality technology


What is Alive Casino?
Alive Casino is a cryptocurrency, the first casino in the world to offer RV gamming, your chance to enter now, discussion for FURTHER conversation, exclusive private sales will soon be opened.
Alive Casino is named, As a Business Organization OR Serve Also, Singer ABOUT Keeping Everything Alive. First and Priority, Casino Singing Of course, Business, But Dynamic Expenditures and Community Life. The Life Team Strives, As Its Mission, Creates Alternative Games for Life, and Develops Safely When Fans Start.
The main purpose
Casino to review Google How to open a Casino to get online reviews to review FURTHER reviews of market reviews. This Goal Will Be Achieved through Development of Prayer Development Development Development Main strategies: First, Only by involving transparent practices, major through Blockchain Technology and second, by connecting online gamers to operate operations that use Human Experience to Digital, Through Social and VR Game Experience .
Message tokens that you can use: Among the main functions of Alive tokens, of course, pay. In the early stages of operating the platform, Alive token holders will be able to send tokens, along with electronic money and other fiat money, to start playing. Then, tokens will be useful when accessing exclusive card holder features, such as early game releases and special events. Profit margin! Among the tokens available on the market, token Alive (AL) is probably the most profitable. In fact, every three months, 40% of Alive Casino profits will be shared with those who have their tokens in Dompet Hold Alive. Because Casino Alive will accept payments with electronic money, the distribution of profits will be made in each currency in an appropriate manner. BTC, ETH, USDT and AL notices will be distributed quarterly to Cardholders. Property High Demand: Life Tokens will always have a high demand for exchange. And here are some other reasons besides their uses. As a rule, every three months, Alive’s internal token engineers will burn 5% of all home-generated AL codes per quarter, reducing inventory tokens. In addition, Alive Casino intends to use electronic money market analysts who will observe the market and make strategies to convert the profits of AL tokens to fiat, being careful to ensure that the Token value is not negatively affected. The blockchain network that you can trust: Alive Token will be an ERC20 Token and will build all Ethereum network security and utility benefits. They can be stored in a wallet that can store ERC20 cards and can be easily exchanged in P2P mode or exchanged. There will be a total supply of one billion AL tags, with 70% sold at various stages of Token sales. As you can see, there are many reasons to join – but the initial investment is very valuable. The exclusive exclusive sales association will receive a 15% bonus at ETH. In addition, all contributors will also have the opportunity to participate in Lucky Lucky Vive Lucky Headset VR program. At Alive Casino, everyone is the winner!

Virtual Reality Casino Advanced technology from realistic Do not have a headset? We meet the requirements to have many games that are not virtual reality! Our distributors own our items Alive Casino distributors work for you! Token folders and players have full contact with internal distributor teams and managers. Guaranteed, guaranteed, transparent giving is guaranteed. 40% TOKEN holder 40% of the benefits of Alive Casinos are distributed to token owners every three months. Alive Casino is a community, not just business! Feel the experience of virtual reality Alive Casino is the first encrypted casino in the world that integrates virtual reality technology. For mass front mass, in addition to the choice of traditional online games, Life can enjoy live games in HD and VR videos. You don’t have a VR headset yet? Do not worry! You can get your life. Direct seller Dealers are experts in card problems, as well as in the comfort of players. All direct distributors must use social networks fully and can become “friends” of each player. Direct research and development Google is planning a review for partners from the BetConstruct association. Life will not benefit from its own distributors who use third-party vendors, but with that agreement, more people with Gedo’s long-term life will be given to Ke Yang. Live system function The Life Life team of Casino will release the center of several portfolio platforms that will allow you to spend money on various faces of Blockchain. ASSIGNMENT OF SALES PROCEDURES 33% product development Product and technology development in accordance with the road map. 30% marketing Budget for platform marketing and user purchases. 20% Research and Development The cost of research and development of new RV games, Blockchain, payments System, etc. 7% commercial association New license fees, strategic partnerships, collaborations and attachments. 6% Team Formation & Retention The cost of developing our team and maintaining current team members. 4% of ICO fees The cost of the entire ICO process, including audits, contracts, advertisements and more.
Further information

Situs web:

Ann thread:







Author : cinta monyet
My BitCointalk profile :;u=1957091

SOLAREX – The largest, most efficient and sustainable solar energy provider in Africa

Around one and a half billion people worldwide do not have access to electricity and over 3billion rely on primary biomass for cooking. This number excludes another billion that have no choice but to depend on fossil fuel electric generators for day to day electricity. Africa countries ranked in the top 10 of lowest access to electricity and over 90 percent of people in Africa Countries users biomass for cooking or Electricity generators that burn fossil fuel. Indoor air pollution from carbon monoxide in stoves is a leading cause of adults and children mortality in developing countries, and this value is ahead of malaria and tuberculosis combined. In Nigeria, foraging energy supply has lead over 60million Nigerians to own fossil fuel generators spending more than N3.5billion annually on the generators. Millions of others residents at a remote location far from the reach of the grid.

About Solarex

Global energy demand has created a large market that has seen countries need more energy to support their infrastructure development and develop the economy needed for the last two developments. Solar power technology that has gained global revenue has finally become a key driver in the energy market, with developed countries mobilizing the potential to increase renewable targets.

Creation of blockchain technology. Solar energy is obtained in the energy market. Follow about blockchain and solar technology together like breathing fresh air for humanity. The technology itself empowers us to conduct efficient and safe business transactions, build an open and fair energy management system, build a network of reliable business partners and improve prosperity throughout Africa, which is equipped with one of the world’s poorest electricity distribution devices. In the cryptocurrency space, the technology base has become a remarkable enabler for many conventional businesses and energy one of these spaces. However, there are human factors, which might be human reasons for failing the blockchain revolution. Fraud, theft, phishing, and even personal problems As long as it increases, there has been a substantial increase in the security aspects of the blockchain space. Now users are safe with very important technology solutions.

How does it work?

The business model will require the creation of solar agriculture throughout Africa in semi-urban, urban and rural areas of Africa. The Solarex Project will be able to use a complete Solar package. This will be possible through direct sales. It is also possible to rent a solar panel package, which will be equipped with a supportive and feasible financing model.

A Token backed up by solar energy, It is full of energy and cannot go wrong. The token will guarantee the fund needed to execute the Power Africa project. A project that in long-term solve the major problem of in the lives of Africans and the rest of the world. This is your chance to purchase Solarex utility token (SRX) Grab yours now, as it will be running low very fast!
Solarex is building a robust system that is based on Blockchain Technology.
The Solarex ecosystem is innovative, disruptive and democratised system that will definitely improve the living condition of the people of Africa and billions of lives all over the world. Solarex is a new generation hybrid start-up solar power provider backed up by the latest Blockchain technology and crypto-currency enabled transaction systems.
We are committed to utilizing this unique disruptive digital energy solution to improve lives of Africans the majority of whom have been deprived access to constant power supply for decades.
The business model is designed to set up off-grid solar farms in the Urban, Semi-Urban and Rural Area areas and at designated cluster zones to improve energy scenario within the selected zones. Solarex comes with the option of accessing the Complete Solar Package solution which can be made possible via outright sale, while another option available to consumers is the leasing of Solar Package which comes with a tailored support with finance.
The backbone for managing and controlling the supply and distribution will be based on Smart contract, smart metering and Solarex App backed up by Blockchain technology. For the transaction of power purchase and fees payment, Solarex utility token will be issued to make a complete solar ecosystem around African.
SRX Utility tokens will be the sole driver of all transaction in the Solarex Ecosystem. Thus, Solarex Ecosystem will in time become a household name. Our business strategies will ultimately position Solarex Utility Token (SRX) to becoming a sustainable cryptocurrency that will only grow in value. Plans are at advanced stage to launch Solarex Tokens (SRX) on 3 different exchanges. The Tokens will be made available for trading on these exchanges as with other crypto currencies.
Q1 2017
Concept Formulated. Market Feasibility Assessment .
Q2 2017
Research and Evaluation. Data Analysis.
Q3 2017
Business Model Initiated. Team Building Initiated.
Q4 2017
Website Development. Technical Feasibility Assesment. Marketing and HR.
Q1 2018
Solarex ICO Platform Launched. Marketing Campaign.
Q2-Q3 2017
Solarex Pre -ICO. Solarex ICO Public Events. Team Inauguration Meeting.
Q3 2018
Solarex Farmland Acquisition Initiated. Design And Manufacture of Products Commenced. Solarex Application Development. Solarex Blockchain Development. Listing Of SRX Token In Exchange. Wallet Development.
Q4 2018
First Batch of Solar Farm Equipment Arrives Nigeria. The launch of Solarex Lease PV. The launch of Solarex Outright Sale PV. Solar farm Installation.
Q1 2019
Solar Farm Testing. Smart Meter Testing. Blockchain Integration With Solar Farm Testing. Mobile App Testing.
Q2 2019
Solar Farm Launched. Full Solarex Ecosystem on Pilot Testing in Nigeria. Scaling of Solarex Operations. Operation Licenses in Place. Expand Product Marketing Team.
Q3 2019
2nd Solar Farms Launched With full Operational Ecosystem.
Q4 2019
More Solar Farms Launched With full Operational Ecosystems in Nigeria.
2020 – 2025 Q1 – Q4
Rapid Deployment/Expansion Across Africa, as Decided in the Operational Growth Management Plan.
What does Solarex offer us?
We have tried to provide simple strength to minimum-created countries (especially in Africa and the Middle East), supporting their efforts in the strengths and advantages offered by the blockchain.
As we as a whole are observing today, having a spring that is fixed from the vitality of electricity is an important requirement on this planet; and more specifically, in countries created and created, this need continues to grow, making more and more electricity demanded throughout the world.
In accordance with various issues produced, and that for the formation of this electricity vitality, petroleum derivatives, for example, excessive oil and additional contamination, (for example, atomic power plants) are used, which results in genuine ecological problems.
In the human field; as we may realize, in Africa, people who do not approach resources that are stable, stable, and financially cheap, strangely monetize the potential results of these countries.
Author :  cinta monyet